A lot of people will join a Direct Sales company such as
Pink Zebra or Scentsy and decide straight out of the gate that they are not
going to bother building a team. I can
understand this line of thinking, as I was inclined to feel the same way. Many of us go into this business having no
previous leadership experience, and I really think that a lot of us doubt
ourselves when it comes to our ability to build and lead a team. The sad part is, those of us who decide not
to are really missing out on the big bucks.
It’s true, you can make SOME money in this business just by
selling. However, you can make much MORE
money when you actually build a team.
And truthfully, it’s really not as difficult as we tend to make it.
Just let yourself dream for a minute, and imagine your
reality once you are getting solid monthly commission checks… Yeah, that’s a nice thought isn’t it? Well, it can become your reality, you just
have to put the necessary steps into action to make it so. For some people, this will just come
naturally- but for the rest of us, we need to make a conscious effort. :) Here are some tips to help you get there:
Get the Word Out!
Always make sure that you carry samples with you everywhere
you go, and ACTUALLY PASS THEM OUT! :) This will help both
your sales and your efforts to recruit. You
can leave samples with your grocery store clerk, your waitress, gas station
attendant etc… You can also head into
your bank or hair salon and give out your information packets along with some
samples. Also, make sure that every time
you do an event you have information packets to give out that include brochures
and general information about joining Pink Zebra. Try to capture their information so that you
can follow up within a few days.
Social Media
Pretty much everyone is using social media these days, and
this is an excellent way to get the word out about joining Pink Zebra. However, you have to be cautious about how
you do it. You definitely want to create
a fan page on Facebook, since everyone and their Mom has a Facebook page now. Just be wary of “spamming” people. What I mean is, try to mix up your posts a
little bit. Don’t bombard people with
posts about “Buy this” or “Join Now”.
They will probably end up unliking your page, which is the opposite of
what you are trying to accomplish. You
also want people to engage in your posts, so try to post things that will get
people to comment.
Your attitude is literally everything. When you are enthusiastic about your business
it is contagious. People get excited
along with you. They want what you
have! They see how happy you are and
they want to know how they can get to where you are. If you are just lukewarm about Pink Zebra,
then your business will remain lukewarm.
Get excited! Get pumped! When you change your attitude your business will
change along with it!
Have a SCENTsational day! :)
I will be social media touch shortly to help get started. MakeMoney